In the days before man began to date days or calendar months, there was no community, no populace, no one, except Hadam. Being the only living being, he roamed the surface of the earth alone. Once, during the cycle of the darkening of the sun, he had the opportunity to see Ghadin the Supreme Being; in this meeting, Hadam had the privilege to make a celestial request that would be granted by Ghadin. On his last voyage to see Ghadin, he had requested for the earth and water to be filled with creatures that could amuse him. And so earth came to be filled with all manner of creatures, while the waters blossomed with aquatic liveliness. Hadam thought this would make him happy, but it rather amplified his loneliness, because the animals had mates, which he lacked.
Hadam waited anxiously for the next darkening of the sun. Every day, he contemplated what existence would be with a mate. He dreamt about having smallings like the other animals. He admired the way the adult animals communed with their baby animals. He longed for a union with a mate.
When Hadam stood before Ghadin in the next darkening of the sun, he delivered his request with oratory parlance. Ghadin always willing to grant Hadam’s request asked him to stretch forth his both hands. In a trance-like moment, the sixth fingers on both the left and right hands of Hadam was removed by Ghadin. The both fingers put together by Ghadin were used to cast a partner being for Hadam. This pleased Hadam and he called his mate Whoreman. He loved Whoreman with all his essence, lying in her warmth every night. Before soon he bore twin children by Whoreman. The male among them, he called Kin and the female he called Iiv. With his wife and two smallings he proceeded to start a community called KRIHAYSHUN. But not without a warning from Ghadin that his first twin children will serve as a cleansing of the passage way for other humans to come forth; as such neither Kin nor Iiv would be allowed to get married or bear children. Hadam’s family lived by this warning and humanity blossomed spreading through the surface of the earth. In fact, Krihayshun was perfect.
Now, Kin and Iiv were born with special gifts. While Kin had the power to deliver death and transfer thoughts into the heart of other humans, Iiv on the other hand could give joy and sadness. But Kin was meek, unlike his sister who was adventurous; he spent most of his time watching his father farms and flocks. He rarely used his gift to bring death, only on rare occasions when humanity needed to destroy tormenting wild monsters that have become rebellious. Often, humans would call Kin to deliver death to a dinosaur or a dragon or anaconda. Kin would do the chore but not with a happy heart, because he knew death saddened his sister and weakened her ability to bring complete happiness to any living being whom she wished. This is why Kin never brought death to any human for he adored his twin and cared for her happiness. Whenever he brought death to a rebellious beast, he would give her gifts of sheep and peacocks to appease her, reminding her that beasts were mere animals.
Iiv was full of cunning. What amused her was to direct sadness to any human she so willed, and then she would send happiness to that same human to make the human happy again. Sometimes she would make a human suffer an untold illness or cause fire to fall upon his farm, and she again would bring healing to that human and make his farm multiply in folds. Sometimes she would make a woman stay barren for years, and then make her bear eight children all at once. This way, she brought a rhythm to existence, ups and downs. All this satisfied her appetite to create adventure, and variety. Surprisingly the horde of humans on the surface of the earth adored her, giving her gifts, so that she soon became wealthiest among humanity. Male and female all worshipped her. But Kin, they ignored and never bother about unless a monster of the wild beast rebelled against them.
Although Kin often felt a pang of jealousy towards Iiv, he never let it dominate his heart. He lived happily taking care of his father’s farm and flocks. But like his father before Krihayshun, he got tired of living alone. So on a personal voyage to seek Ghadin, he pleaded for a chance to be allowed to marry like the rest of existence’s humans. His cry moved Ghadin. Granting his celestial wish, Ghadin told him he could only marry Iiv if a union was to be possible for him. Kin was pleased, for he thought of his sister as the fairest of all human specimens.
When Kin got back home he rushed to tell his sister the news. He thought the news would make her happy, but Iiv frowned and told him she didn’t want any of him. She said he stank like the flock he minded. Iiv proceeded to tell him that he was worthless and poor, and she could not stand to present him as a mate to Krihayshun. Kin was broken. He knelt before his sister to persuade her but she walked away in arrogance.
Kin did not lose hope. In the dead of the night he searched for his father and mother, asking them to help him appease Iiv. Hadam pleaded with him to be patient, that in the next darkening of the sun he would seek Ghadin so that He (Ghadin) would turn Iiv’s heart toward Kin. But that would take another millennium Kin protested. His father pitied him, but there wasn’t much he could do. When Kin’s protest got out of hand, Whoreman his mother rebuked him. She raved at him, advising him to wait a millennium to seek Ghadin again. All would have been well if she hadn’t mentioned that on his next visit to seek Ghadin, he should ask for a human who was his sort, maybe a flock keeper, who would not find his smell offensive.
Kin overwhelmed by disappointment and grave anger delivered death to his mother, Whoreman. Enraged by his wife’s death, Hadam attacked his son who was still blinded by emotion. Kin again delivered death to his father. In his blind rage, he had murdered his parents. But soon the implication of his action dawned on him, and he wept in anguish.
Iiv where she was, felt her brother’s anguish. She sought him out and found him weeping where he had murdered their parents. There was only one human who had the gift of death, and it was her brother. Iiv confronted Kin. Kin in his guilt, reiterated what had happened; he then accused her for being responsible for the tragedy. She had made him soil his hands with blood.
Iiv would not be moved by his pain, she called him “shina”, a derogatory word in Krihayshun which meant “lost human who has lost salvation, and separated from Ghadin, to be destroyed on the day of asking”. Shina was the worst way to address a Krihayshun-man. Kin was vexed, so that he delivered death to the flesh of Iiv, so that she suddenly became formless, hovering like the wind. Iiv knew the implication of this; she would forever roam on earth without transiting to the celestial world, a life condemned to the mystical void.
In the instance, Iiv conceived a trick. She cried out to Kin, telling him she had come to seek him out to agree to his proposal, but instead she found him where he had murdered their parents. She confessed to him that she called him shina out of pain. She cried unto Kin asking him to come to her in the mystical void, and spend eternity with her in marriage. Kin loved Iiv so much, and he wanted her. So he delivered death unto his own flesh to be with her. But when he got the void Iiv rejected him, laughing at his gullibility. Kin was enraged.
Now Iiv departed from Kin, going about bringing happiness and sadness to humans, joy and pain; Kin determined to make Iiv forever unfulfilled, continued to deliver death to humans. He would never allow her bring complete happiness to any human as she could bring complete sadness.
Till this day, Kin goes on to frustrate Iiv, bringing death to humans and putting all manner thoughts into the hearts of humans so that they too could become Shinas; he did this because he hated the idea of him being the only shina on the surface of the earth, the only one Ghadin would destroy on the day of asking.
Now you know the myth.
El Osas Iyalekhue writes and directs for film and stage, among his plays that have been staged are Bush Path, November The First, Walking the Aisle of Dreams, Dancegeria, Wedlock Is Not For Gods and The Phantom. El Osas Iyalekhue is set to shoot Rage, a movie about human excesses. For stage he is set to stage BREAKING MATRIMONY.
Hadam waited anxiously for the next darkening of the sun. Every day, he contemplated what existence would be with a mate. He dreamt about having smallings like the other animals. He admired the way the adult animals communed with their baby animals. He longed for a union with a mate.
When Hadam stood before Ghadin in the next darkening of the sun, he delivered his request with oratory parlance. Ghadin always willing to grant Hadam’s request asked him to stretch forth his both hands. In a trance-like moment, the sixth fingers on both the left and right hands of Hadam was removed by Ghadin. The both fingers put together by Ghadin were used to cast a partner being for Hadam. This pleased Hadam and he called his mate Whoreman. He loved Whoreman with all his essence, lying in her warmth every night. Before soon he bore twin children by Whoreman. The male among them, he called Kin and the female he called Iiv. With his wife and two smallings he proceeded to start a community called KRIHAYSHUN. But not without a warning from Ghadin that his first twin children will serve as a cleansing of the passage way for other humans to come forth; as such neither Kin nor Iiv would be allowed to get married or bear children. Hadam’s family lived by this warning and humanity blossomed spreading through the surface of the earth. In fact, Krihayshun was perfect.
Now, Kin and Iiv were born with special gifts. While Kin had the power to deliver death and transfer thoughts into the heart of other humans, Iiv on the other hand could give joy and sadness. But Kin was meek, unlike his sister who was adventurous; he spent most of his time watching his father farms and flocks. He rarely used his gift to bring death, only on rare occasions when humanity needed to destroy tormenting wild monsters that have become rebellious. Often, humans would call Kin to deliver death to a dinosaur or a dragon or anaconda. Kin would do the chore but not with a happy heart, because he knew death saddened his sister and weakened her ability to bring complete happiness to any living being whom she wished. This is why Kin never brought death to any human for he adored his twin and cared for her happiness. Whenever he brought death to a rebellious beast, he would give her gifts of sheep and peacocks to appease her, reminding her that beasts were mere animals.
Iiv was full of cunning. What amused her was to direct sadness to any human she so willed, and then she would send happiness to that same human to make the human happy again. Sometimes she would make a human suffer an untold illness or cause fire to fall upon his farm, and she again would bring healing to that human and make his farm multiply in folds. Sometimes she would make a woman stay barren for years, and then make her bear eight children all at once. This way, she brought a rhythm to existence, ups and downs. All this satisfied her appetite to create adventure, and variety. Surprisingly the horde of humans on the surface of the earth adored her, giving her gifts, so that she soon became wealthiest among humanity. Male and female all worshipped her. But Kin, they ignored and never bother about unless a monster of the wild beast rebelled against them.
Although Kin often felt a pang of jealousy towards Iiv, he never let it dominate his heart. He lived happily taking care of his father’s farm and flocks. But like his father before Krihayshun, he got tired of living alone. So on a personal voyage to seek Ghadin, he pleaded for a chance to be allowed to marry like the rest of existence’s humans. His cry moved Ghadin. Granting his celestial wish, Ghadin told him he could only marry Iiv if a union was to be possible for him. Kin was pleased, for he thought of his sister as the fairest of all human specimens.
When Kin got back home he rushed to tell his sister the news. He thought the news would make her happy, but Iiv frowned and told him she didn’t want any of him. She said he stank like the flock he minded. Iiv proceeded to tell him that he was worthless and poor, and she could not stand to present him as a mate to Krihayshun. Kin was broken. He knelt before his sister to persuade her but she walked away in arrogance.
Kin did not lose hope. In the dead of the night he searched for his father and mother, asking them to help him appease Iiv. Hadam pleaded with him to be patient, that in the next darkening of the sun he would seek Ghadin so that He (Ghadin) would turn Iiv’s heart toward Kin. But that would take another millennium Kin protested. His father pitied him, but there wasn’t much he could do. When Kin’s protest got out of hand, Whoreman his mother rebuked him. She raved at him, advising him to wait a millennium to seek Ghadin again. All would have been well if she hadn’t mentioned that on his next visit to seek Ghadin, he should ask for a human who was his sort, maybe a flock keeper, who would not find his smell offensive.
Kin overwhelmed by disappointment and grave anger delivered death to his mother, Whoreman. Enraged by his wife’s death, Hadam attacked his son who was still blinded by emotion. Kin again delivered death to his father. In his blind rage, he had murdered his parents. But soon the implication of his action dawned on him, and he wept in anguish.
Iiv where she was, felt her brother’s anguish. She sought him out and found him weeping where he had murdered their parents. There was only one human who had the gift of death, and it was her brother. Iiv confronted Kin. Kin in his guilt, reiterated what had happened; he then accused her for being responsible for the tragedy. She had made him soil his hands with blood.
Iiv would not be moved by his pain, she called him “shina”, a derogatory word in Krihayshun which meant “lost human who has lost salvation, and separated from Ghadin, to be destroyed on the day of asking”. Shina was the worst way to address a Krihayshun-man. Kin was vexed, so that he delivered death to the flesh of Iiv, so that she suddenly became formless, hovering like the wind. Iiv knew the implication of this; she would forever roam on earth without transiting to the celestial world, a life condemned to the mystical void.
In the instance, Iiv conceived a trick. She cried out to Kin, telling him she had come to seek him out to agree to his proposal, but instead she found him where he had murdered their parents. She confessed to him that she called him shina out of pain. She cried unto Kin asking him to come to her in the mystical void, and spend eternity with her in marriage. Kin loved Iiv so much, and he wanted her. So he delivered death unto his own flesh to be with her. But when he got the void Iiv rejected him, laughing at his gullibility. Kin was enraged.
Now Iiv departed from Kin, going about bringing happiness and sadness to humans, joy and pain; Kin determined to make Iiv forever unfulfilled, continued to deliver death to humans. He would never allow her bring complete happiness to any human as she could bring complete sadness.
Till this day, Kin goes on to frustrate Iiv, bringing death to humans and putting all manner thoughts into the hearts of humans so that they too could become Shinas; he did this because he hated the idea of him being the only shina on the surface of the earth, the only one Ghadin would destroy on the day of asking.
Now you know the myth.
El Osas Iyalekhue writes and directs for film and stage, among his plays that have been staged are Bush Path, November The First, Walking the Aisle of Dreams, Dancegeria, Wedlock Is Not For Gods and The Phantom. El Osas Iyalekhue is set to shoot Rage, a movie about human excesses. For stage he is set to stage BREAKING MATRIMONY.
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